We have had a very exciting first half of the week. We have had 3rd grade visitors from Mrs. Dungberg's science classes. They helped our 6th grade students take our WEEK 2 measurements. It was a great experience for both the 6th & 3rd grade scientists as well as for the teachers involved.
3rd Grade visitors with Mrs. Dungberg:
Monday 9/26 – 10:55-11:35- Mrs. Vides Tuesday 9/27 – 10:55-11:35- Mrs. Rios Wednesday 9/28 – 8:45-9:25- Mrs. O’Connor Thursday 9/29 – 10:55-11:35 – Mrs. Weaver Friday – 9/30 – 10:55-11:35- Mrs. Wexler
Some questions these 3rd graders
have asked are below:
1. Why do they use UV lights to grow? Do the plants need light and how do they get it?
How do the lights help the plants? What kind of lights are used in the classroom and in space?
2. How do you decide which plant is best to grow in space?
3. Where do they grow the plants in the space station?
4. What tools do the MS students use to do the experiments?
5. How do the astronauts get light for the seeds to grow?
6. How do the astronauts get water for the plants?
7. Do plants grow faster in outer space or on earth?
8. How do the MS students test the space conditions while they are on earth?
9. How do the astronauts keep the plants in the soil in outer space?
10. How do the plants stay fresh?
11. How does water flow in space?
12. If there is no gravity in space how do plants stay in place?
13. How does that the pink light help the plants grow better?
14. Do plants have the same needs to grow in space as they do on earth?
15. How does a plant grow in space without light?
16. Without gravity, how do plants grow up and not down?
17. Are there animals on the space station? if yes, how do they move?
18. How can the space station stay in space? How long will it stay?
19. How can you "tame"the plants to not grow everywhere?
20. Where do they put their food?
21. How does studying plants here help to study plants in space?
We will work over the next couple days to have your questions answered. But we would love to hear about what you thought about our joint class experience.