Day 4 and Day 5
Day 4- Monday October 9th we walked into our class to find our magical purple glow waiting for us with pots that were full of little...
GBE Trial 1-Day 1 Ed-ventures
Today we started our GBE Trial #1 and followed Fairchild's protocol step by step: PART 1: Mini Botany Lab Set up A. Shelving Unit was...
Almost ready to get started!
Tomorrow we will kick off our 2017-2018 GBE Challenge! Growing Beyond Earth (GBE) is one of the challenges offered by Fairchild Tropical...
We have seeds!
Today I picked up this year's seeds! We are now ready to get planting! This next week we will prep our classroom for Trial 1. It will be...
Day 14, 15, 16- Week 2 Observations
We have had a very exciting first half of the week. We have had 3rd grade visitors from Mrs. Dungberg's science classes. They helped our...
75% of the seeds have germinated. The pots with Lemon Balm are the only ones that have not germinated yet. The petite snap- green Peas...
Day 1
Today we set up the labels, randomized our pots on the tray mixed the potting soil, and planted our seeds. Here is a list of all the...